Have you ever worked on something for so many hours, pouring your heart and soul into each little piece, perfecting each detail, but it still wasn’t exactly THERE yet? That is exactly how I have felt the past few weeks, in the redesign of my new website. I have studied for the bar exam, and yet learning how to design a truly professional website has been comparable to that experience. Seriously. I’ve been frustrated, I’ve been happy, I’ve been dissatisfied, I’ve been excited, I’ve been proud, and I’ve been pained. (These myriad of feelings tend to happen all in the period of an hour’s time). In the constant up and down of the redesign, I have to remember the following:
1) I am LEARNING. I have never, ever built anything like this from scratch. This means it will take me twice as long as someone who knows what they’re doing. The amount of YouTube tutorials that Rich and I have watched has been ridiculous.
2) I cannot RUSH this. I can’t just throw something out there that’s not a true representation of the brand that I am becoming. I need to be patient (which, by the way, I’m terrible at – but trying!).
3) I AM NOT ALONE. We’ve all been there. Everyone at some point has dealt with something they’ve worked on so hard that just wasn’t what they thought. Just last night I was on the phone with my dear friend Anne, a fellow photog, who reminded me that she, too, is going through the same thing. It felt good to know that we were doing this TOGETHER.
4) It will all be worth it. Once the new site is launched, the doors that will open, the incredible clients that will come into my life, and the pride from some serious hard work will show itself. While I wish that time was now, I need to remember that my hard work doesn’t pay off overnight. But it will, it will, pay off.
I can’t wait to get there, guys. And when I do, you’ll be right there with me.